Sounds of Laurel Canyon – Back to the Garden (7 pm show)
During the late 1960s and early 70s, a collection of talented musicians colonized a eucalyptus-scented canyon deep in the Hollywood Hills to create folk, rock and American Pop music in a sound that captured the hearts of the music world. Come see Back to the Garden recreate the music and stories of many of these famous bands including The Byrds, The Doors, CArole King, Jackson Brown, Crosby Stills Nash & YOung, Joni Mitchell, the Eagles, the Mamas and the Papas and music from Woodstock and the Last Waltz.
Members of this All Star band include Cactus Jim Soldi, Marc Intravalia, Rick Nash, Larry Grano, and Sharon Whyte. Also, featured in this very special story concert is Robert John Hughes as storyteller along with Calman Hart and Danielle Tucker.
Please note, we are doing 2 shows at 3 PM & 7 PM and this is a reserved seating show, so the sooner you purchase the better your seats.
July 27, 2024 @ 7:00 pm

Main Stage

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