Improv at the Brooks presents Amazing Incredible Tales, a fully improvised, HIGHLY interactive live superhero comic book made up on the spot based on audience suggestions from start to finish.

NCIS: North County Improv Squad presents a fun night of improv comedy similar to what you would see on “Whose Line is it Anyway?” Everything is made up completely on the spot based on audience suggestions. It is a truly fun way to spend your evening. PG13

Build upon the foundations established in Level 1 and delve deeper into the art of improvisation as we learn how to build fun and engaging scenes. You will learn to create and embody memorable characters with an emphasis on the importance of building strong relationships within scenes. You will also learn how to make strong choices to heighten scenes. The final week of the 8-week class will be a show for friends and family. Taught by Jacob Reiss.
Class Information:
Saturdays, 2/15 – 4/5/2025 (7 classes)
12:30 pm – 2:30 pm (No class on March 1)

Ready to let go, connect, and unleash your creativity? Join us for a fun journey of laughter, spontaneity and endless possibilities as we explore the fundamentals of improv in a supportive environment. Students will learn the fundamentals of improv through a series of engaging exercises, games, and scene work as each week builds on what was learned the previous week. We will focus on building trust, sharpening listening skills, gaining confidence to think creatively in the moment, the concept of Yes And…, and so much more. Not only will you have a ton of fun, but you will also build self-confidence, soft business skills, and meet new people! Course Instructor: Stacey Willard
Class Information:
Saturdays, 2/15 – 3/29/2025 (7 classes)
10:00 am – 12:00 pm

Mixed Nuts is an improv jam where, very similar to an open mic, improvisers of ALL levels can come together, randomly be placed on teams, and perform for each other in an extremely supportive environment. We will start off with some short-form improv games and move on to put everybody on one-night-only long form teams. Join us to do some play, connect with other improvisers, and have FUN!

Mixed Nuts is an improv jam where, very similar to an open mic, improvisers of ALL levels can come together, randomly be placed on teams, and perform for each other in an extremely supportive environment. We will start off with some short-form improv games and move on to put everybody on one-night-only long form teams. Join us to do some play, connect with other improvisers, and have FUN!

Mixed Nuts is an improv jam where, very similar to an open mic, improvisers of ALL levels can come together, randomly be placed on teams, and perform for each other in an extremely supportive environment. We will start off with some short-form improv games and move on to put everybody on one-night-only long form teams. Join us to do some play, connect with other improvisers, and have FUN!

Mixed Nuts is an improv jam where, very similar to an open mic, improvisers of ALL levels can come together, randomly be placed on teams, and perform for each other in an extremely supportive environment. We will start off with some short-form improv games and move on to put everybody on one-night-only long form teams. Join us to do some play, connect with other improvisers, and have FUN!

Join in on the fun with our drop-in improv class taught by one of our quick-witted, energetic team members! Develop your creativity and spontaneity through playful exercises and games. Classes will take place in Studio 219 of the Brooks Theater. The first class is free, and subsequent classes are only $10. Cash or Venmo at the door.

Join in on the fun with our drop-in improv class taught by one of our quick-witted, energetic team members! Develop your creativity and spontaneity through playful exercises and games. Classes will take place in Studio 219 of the Brooks Theater. The first class is free, and subsequent classes are only $10. Cash or Venmo at the door.